The surge in Covid-19 cases has led to several people being prescribed steroids and immuno-modulators that leave some people vulnerable to other pathogens. As a result, hospitals are recording a spike in cases of Mucormycosis, a potentially deadly fungal infection, which infects such immune-compromised individuals with higher probability and efficiency.

Also known as black fungus, Mucormycosis has been seen among those who have uncontrolled diabetes, whose immunity is compromised or those who are given excessive steroids or immune-modulating drugs such as tocilizumab, doctors said.

They added that, if left untreated, its fatality rate can be up to 80%. If not detected early, it can affect the orbit of the eyes and the mouth, resulting in people losing their vision or use of their jaw during debridement, the process of removing dead tissue from infections or wounds.

At least 10 patients suspected to have contracted Mucormycosis are currently admitted to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS). Doctors said that the centre used to see only two such cases a month previously.

Also Read: Mucormycosis, a rare Fungal Infection linked to COVID-19 having 50% mortality rate: Symptoms and Prevention

Cases & reports of opportunistic infections like Mucormycosis are found from Gujarat and other areas where tocilizumab was used a lot. Many Covid-19 patients either have underlying diabetes or their blood sugar levels became uncontrollable because of the steroids given for treatment. Some of them receive medicines, such as tocilizumab and itolizumab, which further the aggressive decline in the immune system. All this leads to a very high chance of opportunistic infections like Mucormycosis.

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Dr. Alok Thakar, head of the ENT department at AIIMS, said, “We are seeing a surge over the last week or so. The last time we saw a surge in mucormycosis cases was when Covid-19 cases increased but this time, the number of cases is greater. Since last year, we are treating probably three to four patients a month and now, we are treating four patients a day at times. For the last three days, we have been getting four to five patients a day.”

Thakar further said that people should maintain basic hygiene after recovering from Covid-19 to ensure that they do not get any infections; stay away from soil, and also regularly test their blood sugar levels.