On Monday, BJP released its manifesto for the upcoming Tamil Nadu election 2021. Nitin Gadkari and VK Singh officially unveiled the manifesto, which they stated, gives highest priority to farmers. This point of the manifesto has direct influence from the widespread farmers’ protests that BJP has been facing across the country over the three farm-laws.

Apart from the point related to farmers, the manifesto also promises 50 lakh new jobs and the target of making TN number one in the terms of ease of doing business. It also promised to set up multi-speciality government hospitals in every district.

Also Read: AIADMK leader stated clearly that BJP must toe in as a second fiddle in TN polls or leave the alliance

On Monday, Election Commission of India has banned ‘bike rallies’ 72 hours before the date of polling and on the polling day in all election bound states for the upcoming assembly polls. This announcement comes amid reports that “anti-social elements” use motor bikes to intimidate voters.

Election in Tamil Nadu will be conducted on April 06 & the vote counting will be done on May 02, as per the schedule announced by the Election Commission of India.