Ex-BJP MLA from Sagar in Madhya Pradesh’s Bundelkhand region, Parul Sahu (39), joined the Congress on Friday, giving it a shot in the arm. This comes in the time just before the significant by-polls to 28 assembly seats scheduled to be held alongwith Bihar state assembly polls by November end, as announced by the Election Commission of India recently.
Sahu, daughter of a business magnate in Sagar district, proclaimed joining the Congress in the existence of state Congress president Kamal Nath and a horde of other party leaders and workers at the state Congress headquarters.
Parul Sahi stated in her brief statement that the people of Surkhi assembly constituency (in Sagar district) want her to become their voice and fight against a climate of arrogance and fear in the constituency.
State Congress president Kamal Nath said that the by-polls are not implied for only certain assembly constituencies. He added that the entire state is looking at these bypolls as it would show how people give a befitting response to the politics of manipulation as practised by the BJP.
This development comes in a context where Rajput, battling on a Congress ticket, had won against the BJP candidate Sudhir Yadav by 21,518 votes in 2018 assembly elections and became the minister for transport and revenue in the then Kamal Nath cabinet. He was one of the 22 Congress MLAs who retired from the state assembly in March this year in an act of revolution against the then chief minister Kamal Nath. They later joined the BJP which now wants to hold on to the MP polity at any cost.