On Friday, BJP leader Suvendu Adhikari filed his nomination from the Nandigram Assembly constituency against his mentor-turned-opponent Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee. He said that he was “100 percent” confident of his win. Union ministers Dharmendra Pradhan and Smriti Irani also took part in the rally before Adhikari filed the nomination papers. “I am 100 percent confident of my victory in Nandigram. The people of the area are with me. I am the son of the soil,” he told reporters.

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The Battle for Nandigram has got sharpened with the face-off between Mamata and Suvendu, with Mamata suffering an injury at the Birulia Bazaar few days back. Two days after CM Mamata Banerjee suffered an injury in Nandigram, a TMC-delegation of six MPs in a formal complaint to the Election Commission alleged a “deep-rooted BJP conspiracy” behind the attack and asked for an “immediate and unbiased” investigation of the same. The delegation included TMC MPs Dereck O’Brien, Saugata Roy, Satabdi Roy, Kakoli G. Dastidar, Pratima Mondal and Santanu Sen.

On the same day (March 12), Mamata Banerjee was released from the hospital with the doctors stating that CM Banerjee had responded well to treatment and that they have given certain medical advice to her during her release.