On Thursday, Twitter removed some tweets by actor Kangana Ranaut for violating the company’s rules. The microblogging website said in a statement, “We have taken action on tweets that were in violation of the Twitter rules in line with our range of enforcement options.”

The deleted tweets were related to the farmers’ protests. The tweets by the actor were deleted in two hours. They reflected the effect of the backlash on the world stage after tweets by international celebrities. One of Ranaut’s tweets was a response to cricketer Rohit Sharma’s post about solidarity amid global criticism of the Indian government’s handling of the farmers’ protests.

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The action comes two days after Ranaut, a vocal supporter of the Narendra Modi government, had responded to a tweet by Rihanna, by calling the protesting farmers “terrorists” and the pop singer a fool. She also conveyed a false and highly biased idea that the farmers were trying to divide India. Rihanna had shared a CNN article about the internet shutdown in Delhi to suppress the farmer-protests.

In response to the deleting of Kangana’s Tweets, Farmers’ leaders posted a video on the Facebook page of Kisan Ekta Morcha stating that it was a victory of the Farming community who were vilified by Kangana. The farmers’ leaders also added that they would make sure that the Twitter account of Kangana Ranaut gets banned permanently.

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The actor also raged at a Twitter user who pulled out one of her old tweets apparently appreciating a song by Rihanna.

Ranaut’s account had been suspended briefly on Twitter in the past after she appeared to call for the beheading of producers of a TV show that she believed was offensive to Hindus.