The US Senate, in the second impeachment trial, acquitted Trump of inciting insurrection, which led to the most violent attack on the US capitol by supporters of Trump. The Senate, while voting 57-43 fell 10 votes short of the two-thirds necessary for conviction. Apart from all the Democrats, seven Republicans joined in voting Guilty for two-thirds majority.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania were the Republicans who joined the Democrats in voting Guilty.

The impeachment trial came to an end after the House impeachment managers reversed their decision to call the witnesses.

Representative Jamie Raskin, Democrat of Maryland, referring to the last-ditch effort by Trump to cling onto power, stated, “If that is not ground for conviction, if that is not a high crime and misdemeanor against the Republic and the United States of America, then nothing is”. Raskin further pleaded with the Senators that, “Trump must be convicted for the safety and democracy of our people”.

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Senator Minority leader Mitch McConnell voted to acquit Trump, but gave a scorching remark stating that Trump was practically and morally responsible for the riot of January 06. He added a note that he felt that it was unconstitutional to convict a former officeholder. He stated in the floor speech, “President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he is in office. He did not get away with anything yet.” On the other hand, the Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer expressed his dismay over the vote to acquit Trump. He urged Americans to never forget the violence and the destruction resulted from the Capitol violence. He also added that the legacy of the 45th President of the US would remain as the worst and the most terrible one, and that it would be alive in infamy, that a stain on Donald J Trump can never be washed away.

In response to the outcome of his second impeachment trial, Trump stated that it was another phase of the greatest witch hunt in the history of the country.

(NY Times, Guardian, CBS News)